Labels:ashcan | bulletin board | dialog box | hakham | monitor | poster | sky | trade name | windowpane OCR: USER- JNTERFACE LAYER Interface referenoes oBank which contains the data and sends that referenoe to Insert( which will build HT transaction to insert the oBank -+- reference into the dataset oAdmin Insert oBank DATA LAYER Name Good Bank" oBank stores the bank data in Addr Arry memory and provides it to the City Addr Be dmond' interface to oBank as needed. is sent to the referenoe transaction laver when needed. TRANSACTION Public Sub Insert (oBank as CBark Inserto recejves the object If Not Ex ecBoo Lean() then be added and prepares End hands transaction off t0 the that it external then acoess function ExecBoolean Public Funct: on ExecBool eant Bool ean EXTERNAL ACCESS With qryDef AYER The BY ecute cbFailonError Se eChanges Insert(} transaction c now prepared executed Endwith asainst our d ...